Thursday, March 6, 2008

Various Anniversaries

This blogging thing is supposed to be, above all else, fun. And it is. Except when it starts to feel like an assignment with a deadline.

I was reminded of this a few days ago when my good friend and fellow blogger Wes Richards ( pointed out to me in an e-mail that as of today, it had been one month since my last blog post.

Wes is a prolific writer and blogger, and I've always been impressed that he's been able to keep up the quality as well as the quantity.

I've written broadcast news stories my entire adult life. I enjoy doing so. I rarely if ever have trouble coming up with them, and, I'm proud to say, they mostly match the high quality standards I set for myself.

As I point out in the "about me" section of this blog, I've rarely gotten the chance to just write for fun. And this blog IS great fun. When a thought strikes me and inspires me, the words just come. Since I'm not writing this blog for any boss and there's no money involved, I write when I feel like it and when I don't, I don't.

Except I'm starting to feel guilty about it.

I look at some of the blogs I've written, and I'm really proud of them. But I also remember the few days when I hadn't written in a while, and decided that I really should. Except that I had nothing of interest to say, and sat there starting at a blank screen. Blogger's block!

So, this one really is to explain myself, thank all my blog-readers (and you know who you are!), and to tell you that - while I hope that another month does NOT go by between posts - I'll only post when one of those inspiring thoughts strike me. After all, if I don't enjoy writing what I write, you won't enjoy reading it.

And since we're on the subject of anniversaries, it was exactly two years ago today that I told the folks at Bloomberg Radio I no longer wished to work for them. That was one of the most triumphant yet sad days of my life, and the subject for another day. And you won't have to wait a month for it!

1 comment:

Nick Ciavatta said...

Congratulations on the anniversary of your emancipation! We miss you around here, and I'm a sporadic blogger myself.

Take Care! Nick C.